We provide advice to the European Commission and Member States on all matters affecting EU aquaculture production.

Latest Recommendations

AAC Recommendation on the request by DG MARE of technical studies on aquaculture
/ aquaculture, DG MARE, Recommendations, Recommendations, technical studies
AAC Recommendation on the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive
/ aquaculture, Climate, MSFD, Recommendations, Recommendations, Sustainability
AAC Recommendations for an Aquaculture Policy Reform
/ aquaculture, climate change, Policy reform, Recommendations, Sustainability, Sustainable aquaculture
AAC Recommendation on Fish Health Good Management Practices
/ animal welfare, Fish welfare, Management practices, Recommendations

Latest Answers

/ aquaculture, Decarbonisation, finfish, Letter, Member States Answers
/ aquaculture, European Commission answers, European Commission answers, involvement, young professionals
/ blue crab, climate change, emergency, European Commission answers, Letter, Reply
/ European Commission answers, fish ethology fish welfare, health

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