European Commission Reply to the AAC Recommendation on the Farm to Fork Strategy
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the Farm to Fork Strategy. Link to the AAC Recommendation on the Farm to Fork Strategy.
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the Farm to Fork Strategy. Link to the AAC Recommendation on the Farm to Fork Strategy.
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the EU taxonomy regulation and EU aquaculture. Link to the AAC Recommendation on the EU taxonomy regulation and EU aquaculture.
DG MARE Maritime Policy and Blue Economy (MARE.A) Director’s response to the AAC Recommendations on Food security, Consumer information and the EU Data Collection Framework.
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendations on Food security, Consumer information and the EU Data Collection Framework. Link to the AAC Recommendations: – Food security – Consumer information […]
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the climate footprint of the EU food system. Link to the AAC Recommendation on the climate footprint of the EU food […]
Reply by DG MARE’s acting Director General Charlina Vitcheva to the AAC’s fist general recommendation on seaweed. Link to the AAC First Recommendation on Seaweed.
Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, answered the following questions following the AAC September 2020 General Assembly:
DG AGRI Director for Quality, Research and Innovation, Outreach’s reponse to AAC members questions on the Organic Regulation:
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the proposal for a delegated act to amend Annex III to Regulation 853/2004.
DG MARE Director-General’s response to the AAC’s Recommendation on the Revaluation of the risk assessment of parasites in farmed fish products. Link to the AAC Recommendation on the Revaluation of the risk […]