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General Assembly

The AAC General Assembly took place on the 13th September 2018 in Brussels (Hôtel Marivaux, Blv. Adolphe Max, 98 – 1000 Brussels). You can now download the presentations done at this meeting: The new EMFF proposal By Pascale Colson, European commission, DG MARE Latest initiatives on Maritime Spatial Planning and Aquaculture in Spain By Julián García Baena, […]

Working Group meetings

The first WG1, WG2 and WG3 meetings of the year will be taking place on the 30th and 31st January 2019 at the Comité Nationale de la Conchyliculture, Paris. At this occasion and as discussed during the last General Assembly meeting, an extraordinary meeting will be organised to approve the final 2017-2018 accounts and the […]

Working Group meetings

The next Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) Working Group meetings will take place in Brussels at the Copa-Cogeca premises. Wednesday, 5th June: 09:30-12:30: WG2 (shellfish) 13:30-15:30: WG2 (shellfish) 16:00-18:00: WG3 (horizontal issues) Thursday, 6th June: 09:00-12:00: WG3 (horizontal issues) 13:00-18:00: WG1 (finfish)   For more information, please contact the secretariat: